Monday, February 8, 2010

Even Supergirl falls off the sky, sometimes.

I suck as a blogger. As a matter of fact, I shouldn't even dare calling myself a blogger. I don't post as often as I should and really, what was the point of opening up another blog account if I was just going to abandon it?

I'm sorry...

Is it possible to use my hectic schedule as a reason, though? It's been horrifying, lately. I wonder why I'm still alive and not in a room in a hospital with an IV needle stuck in my veins. I'm not sure what my colleagues, my bosses especially, at the office think of me, but it seems all of them believed I had the stamina and patience of a goddess, which I hadn't. Imagine three superiors ordering you to do three different tasks at once. Imagine doing that and not falling apart at the end of the day.

Okay so maybe I can't complain. It's a choice I've made to work there and honestly speaking I'm not sure I had the courage to try applying somewhere else, not to mention a private company where, although it pays more, it also might cause me my early death. Yeah well, it's all 'suffer in order to survive' thing, I guess.

I'm just hoping I won't lose my mind before I turn 30.

Well, speaking of schedule, I guess it's the one thing that ruined the frequency of me updating my fanfictions. This, above all, depresses me the most. I mean, let's not talk about how the readers must feel, let's first talk about how my brain feels. The poor thing is nearly overloaded with too many thoughts to think at once, from work matters to story ideas that haven't met their moment to be written yet. There are lots of new ideas, believe me. There are also still the old ideas, the stories I've already posted but haven't been updated yet.

I've mentioned the new fanfiction I've been writing called Beautiful Lie [to Believe in]. Well, I'm translating it into English too, and have posted the first chapter on LJ already. It's probably the one thing I prioritize the most right now--not saying that I'm putting behind the other stories, like House of Horrors and Love Song and also the 5sentence_fics drabbles (I've been writing the fourth installment! I swear it!). The ideas about that story are still very, very fresh, and I thought it'd be better to focus on Beautiful Lie first. Maybe because the theme is the heaviest, most intense I've worked on until now, but I feel very challenged to get this story on the go.

So I guess, now it's time to do the Fanfic Progress Recap.
  • House of Horrors chapter 04 = 06%
  • 5sentence_fics the fourth batch (prompts 16-20) = 80%
  • Love Song chapter 02 = 08%
  • Beautiful Lie [to Believe in] chapter 02 (English) = 0%
  • Beautiful Lie [to Believe in] chapter 03 (Indonesian) = 07%

I regrettably say that I'm having a writer's block right now, but I still have the drabbles to do, and I like to think that it helps me a lot whenever I'm having this cursed block in my brain that doesn't allow me to write longer fics.

That's that for now. It's really, really late. I know it's bad but lately I've been going to bed after 1 a.m.

Don't tell my boyfriend; he'll be pissed.